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E-learning Programmes

Under e-Learning, all the lectures on all the topics of Capital Market module are video recorded and a kit of Videos and Course contents can be accessed on-line through Internet. Alternatively, video and course contents are given to the participants in a Pen Drive (off-line mode of learning) who do not have high speed Internet facility. This option is left to the participants which mode he has to choose at the time of registration. Lectures delivered by professionals cover all the vital topics in detail with practical examples wherever necessary.


  • Learners who cannot attend class room training programmes due to long hours spent on journey up and down.
  • Class room training programmes are convened on fixed days which may not be suitable to the learners due to his preoccupation. In e-Learning Programme, a learner can learn any time during the 24 hrs convenient to him.
  • Learners from far off places or from rural areas can take advantages of e-Learning Training on Capital Market where Classroom Training is not available at all.
  • Learners may replay it as many times as he desires to understand the subjects, during the validity period of 90 days which is not possible in class room programmes.
  • What is required for e-Learning training on capital market is a computer and the internet connectivity which is easily available even in rural areas if learner opts for online mode of learning. In case of non availability of internet facility, the learner can opt Pen drive module of e-Learning.

  • To view e-Learning program, please, logon to
  • Click on program tab on top,
  • Click on certificate program to view demo and prospectus.
  • Alternatively on home page scroll down at bottom, in program section click on certificate programs and view demo and prospectus.
  • You can also view FAQs on home page by clicking FAQ tab on top of the page. Also, one can find system requirements and how to register on FAQ tab.
Click here to find out about our e-learning programme.