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You are here : Listing > Listing Fees
Particulars Amount ()*
Initial Listing Fee 5,000
Annual Listing Fee -
Companies with paid-up capital and / or debentures capital -
Between Rs. 3 crores to Rs 6 crores 5,000
Above Rs. 6 crores and upto Rs. 10 crores 10,000
Above Rs. 10 crores and upto Rs. 20 crores 15,000
Above Rs. 20 crores and upto Rs. 50 crores 20,000
Above Rs. 50 crores 25,000 plus Rs. 500 for every increase of Rs. 5 crore or part thereof in the paid share.
*(Service Tax as Applicable)
Note:The above schedule of listing fees is uniformly applicable for all the regional companies and in respect of non regional companies, it shall be 50% of the fees payable as above.
Non – regional :-Company's Registered office situated outside the state of Maharashtra.
Regional: - Company's Registered office situated in the state of Maharashtra.
Note: w.e.f. 19.12.2011 (approved by the Board of ISE on 19.12.2011)