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Sr.No. Caption Date Download
1 Clarification on SEBIs Circular dated August 13,2012 17-Jun-2013
2 Scheme of Arrangement 23-May-2013
3 Amendment to SEBI ESOP ESPS and LA 17-May-2013
4 Usage of Electronic Payment Modes 22-Mar-2013
5 Scheme of Arrangement 05-Feb-2013
6 Offer for Sale of Shares by Promoters and Amend. to Listing Agreement 10-Feb-2012
7 Krez Hotel for Revocation of Suspension 27-Jan-2012
8 Amendment to the Equity L A - for E-Voting by Shareholders of Listed Entities 01-Jan-2012
9 Delisting of Zen Technologies from InterConnected Stock Exchange of India Ltd 18-Nov-2011