Inter-connected Enterprises Limited.
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July 6, 1996 A report on Inter-connected Market System (ICMS) submitted to the Federation of Indian Stock Exchange (FISE).
October 26, 1996 Steering Committee was constituted by FISE at Hyderabad.
January 4, 1997 Pricewater House Coopers,the management consultancy firm, submitted a feasibility report and recommended the establishment of ICMS.
January 22, 1998 ICEL incorporated as a company limited by guarantee.
November 18, 1998 SEBI grants recognition to ICEL.
February 26, 1999 Commencement of trading on ICEL.
December 31, 1999 Induction of 450 Dealers commences.
January 18, 2000 Incorporation of ISS as a company limited by share capital.
February 24, 2000 SEBI registers ISS for the Capital Market segment of NSE.
May 3, 2000 Commencement of trading by ISS in the Capital Market segment of NSE.
January 10 , 2001 Turnover in the Capital Market segment of NSE crosses Rs. 1000 million per day.
February 28, 2001 Turnover of Rs. 1508.80 million recorded by ISS in the Capital Market segment of NSE.
May 4, 2001 Internet trading for clients started by ISS for the NSE segment through DotEx Plaza.
May 19, 2001 ICEL’s website,, launched.
February 13, 2002 SEBI registers ISS for the Futures & Options segment of NSE.
May 6, 2002 ISS commences trading in the Futures & Options segment of NSE.
March 12, 2003 ISS admitted as a member of the Equities segment of BSE.
April 1, 2003 DP services through CDSL launched by ICEL.
June 21, 2003 First Investor Education Program under the Securities Market Awareness Campaign (SMAC) of SEBI conducted at Vashi.
January 9, 2004 Peak turnover of Rs. 3034.90 million recorded by ISS in the Capital Market segment of NSE.
May 17, 2004 First DP branch office opened at Coimbatore by ICEL.
July 17, 2004 First Investor Point opened at the Vashi Railway Station Complex by ICEl.
July 24, 2004 Second DP branch opened at New Delhi by ICEL.
September 3, 2004 Third DP branch opened at Kolkata by ICEL.
December 27, 2004 Trading in the BSE equities segment started by ISS.
September 15, 2005 Approval of ICEL’s Corporatisation and Demutualisation Scheme by SEBI.
October 20, 2005 Switchover to Direct Client Dealing commences in ISS.
November 24, 2005 ICEL re-registered as a “for profit” company, limited by shares.
November 24, 2005 Board of ICEL reconstituted in tune with the Corporatisation and Demutualisation provisions.
July 28, 2007 ICEL declared a dividend of 400% to its shareholders for the first time since its incorporation.
September 13, 2007 ICEL was notified by SEBI as a “Demutualised Exchange”.
January 30, 2008 Restructuring of Board of ICEL in accordance with the Corporatisation and Demutualisation Scheme, 2005.
March 4, 2010 ICEL awarded the contract to TCS for reviving its Trading Platform.
