Inter-connected Enterprises Limited.
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  Benefits Of Listing
  Guidelines For Listing
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  Other Requirements
  Listing Procedure
  Listing Fees
  Listing Agreement
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  Check List
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  ISE Circulars
  SEBI Circulars
You are here : Listing > Benefits Of Listing
Listing provides an opportunity to the corporates / entrepreneurs to raise capital to fund new projects/undertake expansions/diversifications and for acquisitions.

Listing also provides an exit route to private equity investors as well as liquidity to the ESOP-holding employees.

Listing also helps generate an independent valuation of the company by the market.

Listing raises a company's public profile with customers, suppliers, investors, financial institutions and the media. A listed company is typically covered in analyst reports and may also be included in one or more of indices of the stock exchanges.

An initial listing increases a company's ability to raise further capital through various routes like preferential issue, rights issue, Qualified Institutional Placements and ADRs/GDRs/FCCBs, and in the process attract a wide and varied body of institutional and professional investors.

Listing leads to better and timely disclosures and thus also protects the interest of the investors.

Listing on ICEL provides a continuing liquidity to the shareholders of the listed entity. This in turn helps broaden the shareholder base.

Companies listed on ICEL generally find that the market perception of their financial and business strength is enhanced.
